Aqua Biome™ 配方基于尖端科学,通过提供最佳比例的 Omega DHA、EPA 和 DPA,大限度地有益于健康。现在人们认为,以适当的比例摄入这些物质对人类健康来说比单独使用高剂量更重要。Aqua Biome™ 是含有 DPA 的鱼油,可以在瞬间被身体转化为 DHA 或 EPA。
营养保健 ⋅ 2023-07-07 10:10:00
Blackmores 澳佳宝 维生素B12营养片中的维生素B12是消化道疾病者容易缺乏的维生素,也是红血球生成不可缺少的重要元素,如果严重缺乏,将导致恶性缺铁。是高效能的营养补充剂,能补充您在工作繁重时消耗的营养,帮助食物转化成能量,有利于人体肠胃的健康。
营养保健 ⋅ 2023-07-07 10:10:00 |BLACKMORES|澳佳宝维他命B12
Oxylent 含氧5合1复合维生素补充剂饮料 30袋 混合口味
Oxylent is 5-in-1 daily multivitamin all in one refreshing drink. Add one packet of Oxylent to water and enjoy a sparkling drink that delivers vitamins, minerals, electrolytes, amino acids and antioxidants with easy absorption!
营养保健 ⋅ 2023-07-06 10:25:00
Nature's Own Vitamin B1 250mg Tablets 75
Vitamin B1 250mg supports the metabolism of glucose, the brain’s principal source of energy. It supports the production of acetylcholine. Thiamine is involved in energy production in the body.
营养保健 ⋅ 2023-07-06 10:25:00
Doctor's Best - 5-HTP 100mg Enhanced with Vitamins B6 & C Capsules 120
Doctor抯 Best 5-HTP Enhanced with Vitamins B6 and C provides a drug-free alternative to support sleep, mood, anxiety and stress. It aids serotonin production and serotonin is the chemical neurotransmitter produced in the brain that helps regulate sleep
营养保健 ⋅ 2023-07-06 10:25:00
Good Health好健康1000mg深海磷虾油胶囊作用与功效介绍
Good Health 好健康 1000mg深海磷虾油胶囊富含的不饱和脂肪酸是目前自然界中以磷脂型态结合ω-3(EPA、DHA)和多样性超强 物(磷脂型虾青素Astaxanthin)的分子结构;具有超强的持血脂正常水平、持血糖正常水平、穿越血脑屏障营养及活化脑部细胞和神经,起到预防和脑血管疾病;
益生菌胶囊哪个牌子好 Lifestream益生菌胶囊的正确吃法说明
Lifestream 益生菌胶囊含有丰富益生菌,具有高营养价值。特别挑选了多达14种不同品种的益生菌群,从而满足人体的不同需要。温和易吸收,能够有助于平衡肠道和消化系统的环境,维持肠道菌群的平衡,促进肠道蠕动,减少,并帮助分解人体肠道难以消化的纤维和聚糖;
营养保健 ⋅ 2023-07-05 10:22:00 |Lifestream|益生菌胶囊
Radiance 复合维生素能量补充片有助于帮助补充人体从日常生活中所摄取不足的维生素和矿物质元素,全面的补充人体每日所需各种营养,调理身体保持 佳健康状态,是一款全食综合维生素片剂。
营养保健 ⋅ 2023-07-05 10:22:00 |Radiance|复合维生素能量补充片
Amazing Herbs Tongkat Ali Express Liquid Extract Drops 30ml
A study by the Forest Research Institute of Malaysia (FRIM) showed that the Eurycoma Longifolia Jack or Tongkat Ali (Pasak Bumin) contain anti-oxidant properties, a high level of SOD (Superoxide Dismutase), an anti-oxidant enzyme.
营养保健 ⋅ 2023-07-04 20:57:00
Henry Blooms生物发酵乳酸菌500ml-橄榄叶精华
Olive Leaf is fortified with gut-repairing raw probiotics in Henry Blooms Bio-Fermented Olive Leaf to support digestive health, aid immune system function, provide anti-oxidant action and maintain general wellbeing.
营养保健 ⋅ 2023-07-04 20:57:00
Active Iron每日活性铁胶囊 30粒 (满足每日铁需求)
Active Iron was developed in response to the global need for an iron supplement that is both tolerable and easy to absorb. Before Active Iron the only solutions available were poorly absorbed and poorly tolerated.
营养保健 ⋅ 2023-07-04 20:57:00
Clinicians 科立纯 常青藤支气管咳嗽糖浆是新西兰药剂师推荐的一款安全性产品,它是将常青藤叶子干燥提炼制成的草本配方,对于舒缓咽喉和清理呼吸道,有很强的功效;它还有助于稀释粘液,滋润干燥的呼吸道膜;对于国内雾霾引起的嗓子发炎,干咳,祛痰,上呼吸道感染都有很好的效果!
营养保健 ⋅ 2023-07-04 20:57:00 |Clinicians|科立纯|常青藤支气管咳嗽糖浆