Active Iron Daily Capsules 30
Active Iron was developed in response to the global need for an iron supplement that is both tolerable and easy to absorb. Before Active Iron the only solutions available were poorly absorbed and poorly tolerated.
Active Iron’s Kind and Strong formula means that it is kind enough to take on an empty stomach, while being strong on absorption when you need it.
By targeting the natural site of absorption (the small intestine rather than the stomach or lower intestine), Active Iron doubles the amount of iron absorbed compared to the gold standard iron sulfate. This means that more iron is available for your body to absorb.
Active Iron works in tune with your body. It’s advanced formula does not cause inflammation which means it is non-irritating to the stomach. This prevents the unwanted side effects that are usually associated with iron supplements such as stomach pain, nausea, cramping, constipation and flatulence.
While iron supplements are not a substitute for a balanced diet and healthy living, Active Iron may help you achieve your daily iron needs. Active Iron works in tune with your body, targeting the natural site of absorption and delivering just the right amount of iron, while helping to reduce gut irritation from iron.
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