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Harker Herbals草本补铁口服液效果怎么样 使用方法介绍

Harker Herbals 草本补铁口服液一种温和的补铁补气血口服液,适合二岁以上人群包括老人、怀孕和产后女性。富含丰富的维生素和矿物质,吸收率高达98%,平衡补充体内的赖氨酸,促进蛋白质合成,满足身体每个阶段的营养需求,有效消除疲劳补充体,促进睡眠,提升注意。

营养保健    ⋅    2023-03-31 11:42:00 |草本补铁口服液 作者:admin

Natio 娜迪奥 含镁喷雾 放松肌肉 100ml

Magnesium is often used to help with muscle stress and tension. Genuine Zechstein Magnesium is harvested from the ancient Northern European Zechstein Seabed from deposits deep under the earth’s surface, protected from the environment for centuries.

营养保健    ⋅    2023-03-31 11:42:00 |Natio|娜迪奥|含镁喷雾 作者:admin

First Light Natural Health Client Focus Support Oral Drops 20ml

An attuning plant infusion blend to support clear heart-based connections helping you to maintain clarity and objectivity and know exactly what you need to do and say in each situation.

营养保健    ⋅    2023-03-30 11:33:00 作者:admin

Harker Herbals草本舒压口服液产品介绍

Harker Herbals 草本舒压口服液由草药精华和营养素的组合配方来支持神经系统和正常睡眠模式。调节肾上腺分泌,维护人体的自然抵抗和适应压和精神紧张。有助于有轻度压和神经紧张的人进入睡眠。给身体机能提供充足的能量和活,让身体和心理达到健康。

营养保健    ⋅    2023-03-30 11:33:00 |草本舒压口服液 作者:admin

Naturo Pharm 运动修复片 1瓶

Naturo Pharm 运动抗痉挛修复片采用配方,蕴含山金车、欧洲荚蒾、辣椒、紫锥菊和洋甘菊等活性精华,温和易吸收,安全无副作用,具有 、抗血管增生、抗变应性、和抗病毒的功效。

营养保健    ⋅    2023-03-30 11:33:00 作者:admin

First Light Natural Health Travel Support Oral Spray 20ml

A balancing plant infusion blend to support inner balance and help you to stay centered and well during and after travel. Encourages the spirit of adventure and a natural sense of excitement and anticipation. Use when traveling by plane, boat, car or train.

营养保健    ⋅    2023-03-29 10:55:00 作者:admin

First Light Natural Health Calm Kidz Support Oral Drops 20ml

A calming plant infusion blend to support healthy emotional expression in children with the ability to move through life抯 憇ore?moments.

营养保健    ⋅    2023-03-29 10:55:00 作者:admin

First Light Natural Health Happy Kidz Kit 3 x 20ml

A carefully combined developmental kit containing three First Light Natural Health?products that nurture and support children抯 emotional development.

营养保健    ⋅    2023-03-29 10:55:00 作者:admin

Naturo Pharm运动修复喷雾有效果吗 怎么用

Naturo Pharm 运动抗痉挛修复喷雾采用配方,蕴含山金车、欧洲荚蒾、辣椒、紫锥菊和洋甘菊等活性精华,温和易吸收,安全无副作用,具有 、抗血管增生、抗变应性、和抗病毒的功效。对皮肤敏感、剃伤、发炎,暗疮,毛孔粗大、轻微刮伤、红疹、昆虫蜇伤等等有超强的愈合能

营养保健    ⋅    2023-03-28 10:28:00 |运动修复喷雾 作者:admin

Phloe Healthy奇异果肠道健康胶囊的作用及效果说明

Phloe Healthy 奇异果肠道健康采用自新西兰的奇异果绿的健康配方,含有独特的专有猕猴桃提取物,帮助以温和自然的方式避免出现腹胀,肠胃气胀和消化系统不适。温和易吸收,能够有助于平衡肠道和消化系统的环境,促进肠道蠕动,并帮助分解人体肠道难以消化的纤维和聚糖;

营养保健    ⋅    2023-03-28 10:28:00 作者:admin

Natur's Way紫锥花金印草滴剂怎么样 有什么功效和作用

Nature's Way 紫锥花金印草滴剂富含紫锥花和金印草植物精华,有助舒缓上呼吸道感染,如伤风和流感等。紫锥花增加人体内白细胞的数量,对抗入侵身体的微生物,增强;刺激系统中的吞噬细胞,以吞噬及消除对身体有害细菌和其他外来物,能有效降低感染特别是上呼吸道感染的几率。

营养保健    ⋅    2023-03-28 10:28:00 |紫锥花金印草滴剂 作者:admin

Naturo Pharm 30c山金车修复液 20ml

营养保健    ⋅    2023-03-27 11:44:10 作者:admin