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Naturo Pharm 200c山金车关节肌肉修复溶液的作用与功效

Naturo Pharm 200c山金车关节肌肉修复溶液是一款富含珍贵山金车草本精华的溶液,成分安全可靠无副作用,质感柔滑细腻,可以通过深层渗入肌肉帮助您放松和恢复原来的状态,对、风湿病、肌肉疼痛者暂时缓解疼痛的显著效果。从植物中提取活性成份,能抑菌、促进血液循环、改善淤血。

营养保健    ⋅    2023-04-08 10:45:00 作者:admin

GO Healthy高之源虾磷油胶囊的作用是什么

GO Healthy 高之源 750mg 虾磷油胶囊独特的配方中含有南大洋中精心提取的磷虾油,可以有效促进健康的关节和心血管系统健康。还含有虾青素,一个强大的 剂,可以帮助抵抗潜在的自由基的伤害,保护和缓解。还富含ω-3必需脂肪酸,对心血管、神经、骨骼、关节具有显著保健作用。

营养保健    ⋅    2023-04-07 15:04:00 |高之源|虾磷油胶囊 作者:admin

Solgar Vitamin B1 (Thiamin) 100mg Capsules 100

Solgar Vitamin B1 (Thiamin) capsules provide 100mg each of this essential B vitamin.Vitamin B1 is an important B vitamin required to support many body functions including energy production memory and mental function and liver processes.

营养保健    ⋅    2023-04-07 15:04:00 作者:admin


Healtheries 贺寿利 500mg 维生素C咀嚼片(水果)能够提供高效的维生素C,易吸收无刺激,具有极高的 指数,减少自由基对身体损害,可以延缓衰老,美白滋润肌肤,保护细胞健康、让身体更加健康。还有助于增强系统,促进组织修复和细胞的保护。

营养保健    ⋅    2023-04-07 15:04:00 |Healtheries|贺寿利|维生素C咀嚼片 作者:admin

Doctor's Best 850mg D核糖能量胶囊作用和功效有哪些

Doctor's Best 850mg D核糖能量胶囊含有的D -核糖是一种人体自身合成的化合物。其本质是一种戊糖或5碳糖。它是RNA和DNA的一部分,D -核糖对细胞生长、心血管代谢、运动后恢复、 等具有重要作用。

营养保健    ⋅    2023-04-06 15:41:00 |D核糖能量胶囊 作者:admin

APO Folic Acid 0.8mg 120

Folic Acid is a compound that is essential in development and growth of rapidly growing tissues. Taken once a day before conception and during the first 3 months of pregnancy has been shown to reduce the risk of having a baby with spina bifida by two thirds.

营养保健    ⋅    2023-04-06 15:41:00 作者:admin

Coyne Healthcare Felix Advanced Vege Capsules 60

FELIX Advanced® is a feel-good supplement with a highly specialised saffron extract made from the saffron crocus as well BCM-95®, the world’s leading bioavailable curcumin extract.

营养保健    ⋅    2023-04-06 15:41:00 作者:admin

Pro-Life 活性炭胶囊 60粒

Activated charcoal is an important part of first-aid kits as it has an ability to absorb a wide variety of substances. It helps prevent the gastrointestinal absorption of various substances including toxins, as well as offer support for indigestion related abdominal discomfort.

营养保健    ⋅    2023-04-04 17:41:00 |活性炭胶囊|Pro-Life 作者:admin

Lifestream 补镁胶囊 120粒

​Is a naturally derived marine source extracted from the clean waters off the Irish coast. Seawater naturally contains magnesium salts.

营养保健    ⋅    2023-04-04 17:41:00 作者:admin

McDavid 迈克达威 512透气弹性肘关节运动护具 1只(大号28-30.5cm)

McDavid 迈克达威 512透气弹性肘关节运动护具(大号 28-30.5cm)符合人体工学量体设计,内外层使用不易起球的尼龙和氯丁橡胶面料,提高抵抗力耐用性和美观性。穿戴简单,左右通用,让你佩戴舒适合体。

营养保健    ⋅    2023-04-04 17:32:00 |McDavid|迈克达威 作者:admin

GO Healthy 高之源 高强度辣根大蒜维C营养胶囊的功效与作用是什么

GO Healthy 高之源 高强度辣根大蒜维C营养胶囊富含辣根精华、大蒜精华、胡芦巴精华、药蜀葵和维他命C。药蜀葵具有保护粘液组织的作用,例如咽喉、鼻腔、呼吸道。对帮助缓解由于鼻窦炎,敏感性鼻炎引起的鼻塞,鼻腔充血有特殊的。

营养保健    ⋅    2023-04-04 17:32:00 |高之源 作者:admin

Cabot Health Livatone Plus Capsules 120

Our bestselling, multi-action formula that has been used and trusted by people across the world for more than 20 years! Specially formulated to contain as many active, liver-loving ingredients as possible, to provide the liver with maximal support.

营养保健    ⋅    2023-04-04 17:32:00 作者:admin