Johnson's 强生 婴儿爽身粉具有干爽皮肤的作用,同时不会发生任何有害化学反应。性质温和,敏感肌肤宝宝亦可使用,粉末细致易附著,使潮湿及敏感肌肤获得舒缓干爽,减轻宝宝因燥热产生的不舒服感;散发淡雅芬芳。且不用担心用粉时会对宝宝的皮肤及呼吸道产生伤害。
Johnson's 强生 Bedtime 婴儿沐浴露 200ml
Johnson's Baby Bedtime Bath is a clinically proven routine that helps baby fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer. A good night's sleep leads to a better tomorrow. Help baby sleeps up to One Hour Longer with Johnson's Clinically Proven bedtime routine.