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论是妈妈们还是宝宝们,亦或是崇尚天然的大朋友们,小蜜蜂真的是无毒无害信得过的海淘圣品,无论是自用还是送礼,都是拿得出手的好东西。价格不贵,基本绝大多数折算成人民币100元以下的都支持亚马逊直邮,现在就给大家推荐几款Burt's Bees 小蜜蜂家的明星产品吧!
美国海淘 ⋅ 2024-03-06 18:32:00 |小蜜蜂|美国小蜜蜂|burts bees 作者:小呆
Burt's Bees 小蜜蜂 滋润小麦杏树婴儿按摩油 118ml
Gently soften and soothe your baby?s skin with Burt?s Bees Baby Nourishing Baby Oil. This 100% natural baby oil has the alluring scent of apricots and is rich in nutrients and antioxidants from apricot and grape seed oils to keep your baby