标签:活性炭胶囊 总共有3条记录

Pro-Life 活性炭胶囊 60粒

Activated charcoal is an important part of first-aid kits as it has an ability to absorb a wide variety of substances. It helps prevent the gastrointestinal absorption of various substances including toxins, as well as offer support for indigestion related abdominal discomfort.

营养保健    ⋅    2023-04-04 17:41:00 |活性炭胶囊|Pro-Life 作者:小呆

Nature's Sunshine活性炭胶囊的作用和功效是什么

Nature's Sunshine 活性炭胶囊(清理肠胃)采用科学独特配方,富含活性炭成分,温和易吸收,安全无副作用,具有清理肠胃的功能。而活性炭能吸附肠内大量的化学物质、毒素及气体,阻止肠胃都毒物的吸收,对抗发酵;

营养保健    ⋅    2022-12-15 15:16:00 |活性炭胶囊 作者:小呆

Radiance 活性炭胶囊(清理肠胃)产品介绍

Radiance 活性炭胶囊(清理肠胃)采用科学独特配方,富含活性炭成分,温和易吸收,安全无副作用,具有清理肠胃的功能。而活性炭能吸附肠内大量的化学物质、毒素及气体,阻止肠胃都毒物的吸收,对抗发酵;可减轻肠内物质对肠壁的刺激,使肠蠕动减少,起到止泻作用;

营养保健    ⋅    2022-10-24 11:30:00 |Radiance|活性炭胶囊 作者:小呆