中文名称 :【包邮装】Bio Island 生物岛 孕妇专用DHA胶囊 60粒(帮助胎儿发育)
品牌 :Bio Island
规格 :60
单位 :粒
包装方式 :单件装
功效 :促进胎儿发育,营养补充,预防产后抑郁
主要成分 :DHA
包装 :瓶装
产品剂型 :胶囊
适用阶段 :孕全期
Bio Island 生物岛 孕妇专用DHA胶囊(帮助胎儿发育)含有丰富的二十二碳六烯酸(DHA)和人体需的Omega-3脂肪酸。在妈妈怀孕期间使用,可以保证准妈妈DHA营养均衡,增加母乳中DHA的含量,补充胎儿的DHA营养所需,有利于宝宝大脑神经系统和视力发育。而且本产品是直接从海洋单细胞藻类中提取DHA,未经食物链传递,完全不介入海洋环境,不含任何色素,安全无污染。
中文名称丨Bio Island 生物岛 孕妇专用DHA胶囊 60粒(帮助胎儿发育)
英文名称丨Bio Island DHA For Pregnancy Cap X 60
品 牌丨Bio Island/生物岛
规 格丨60粒
成 分丨DHA、Omega-3脂肪酸。
Product Introduction
Bio Island DHA For Pregnancy is suitable for use by adults including pregnancy and breastfeeding women, the dosages are based on the Recommended Daily Intakes (RDI) and Adequate Intakes (AI) established by the NHMRC (National Health & Research Council).
Sourced naturally from algae, which contains a rich source of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), an omega-3 fatty acid. Bio Island DHA for Pregnancy contains a concentrated DHA dose. DHA is essential for growth and development of the brain during foetal, neonatal and infant stages. Maternal DHA intake also provides the dual benefits of supporting healthy eye function, nervous system and cognitive function for both mother and child, and can be used during all pregnancy stages, including women trying to conceive or while breastfeeding. Taken daily Bio Island DHA for pregnancy can also help maintain positive wellbeing.
Keep out of reach of children.
Women trying to conceive and pregnant women between 0 - 10 weeks in their pregnancy take 1 capsule daily. Pregnant women between 10 - 36 weeks and breastfeeding mothers take 2-3 cpaules daily or as directed by your health care professional.
bioisland孕妇dha好不好 bioisland孕妇dha的功效与作用
Bio Island 孕妇专用DHA含有高强度的DHA剂量在胎儿、新生儿和婴儿阶段,协助生长脑功能与健康的神经系统发育。为母亲和儿童双重好处,支持视觉功能和心血管系统。
母婴用品 ⋅ 2024-09-22 22:52:38
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