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First Response Dip & Read Pregnancy Test 3

First Response Dip & Read Pregnancy Test 3

Our FIRST RESPONSE Dip & Read Test is simple to use and give you fast, easy to read results in just five minutes.


Product Features:

  • Over 99% accurate1

  • Fast and easy-to-read

  • Results ready in 5 minutes

  • Test at any time of the day

View All First Response Products


1. Fill the cup provided with urine.
2. Remove the test strip from the foil wrapper.
3. Hold the Dipping End of the strip in the cup of urine for 10 seconds only. The urine level should not behigher than the maximum levelline printed on the strip.
4. Remove the strip and place on aflat non-absorbent surface, with the printed side facing up.
5. You should see a pale pink line inthe Result Window. This indicates the test is working. The results should be visible in about 2-5 minutes.



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