Breathe Right strips are an effective drug free way to relieve nasal congestion associated with colds allergies deviated septum and congestion during pregnancy. They may also reduce or eliminate snoring. Use while sleeping excercising or during the day.
Two flexible spring like pieces gently pull congested nasal passages open to instantly make breathing easier while a special adhesive hols it in place.
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Bio Island 孕妇专用DHA含有高强度的DHA剂量在胎儿、新生儿和婴儿阶段,协助生长脑功能与健康的神经系统发育。为母亲和儿童双重好处,支持视觉功能和心血管系统。
母婴用品 ⋅ 2024-09-22 22:52:38
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Life Space 是一家专门生产各类高端益生菌产品的澳洲本土公司。其公司生产的所有产品中益生菌群均由世界上最大也是最好的益生菌生产厂商丹麦的丹尼斯克公司(Danisco)提供。