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Chopard绒感女士香水怎么样 萧邦绒感女士香水好闻吗


  • 中文名称:Chopard 萧邦 绒感女士香水 EDP 100ml

  • 外文名称:Chopard casmir edp 100ml

  • 规格:100,100ml

  • 单位:毫升

  • 适用人群:女性



Casmir by Chopard is a feminine “Eau de Parfum” belonging to the oriental vanilla family, which embraces us to transport us to an exotic, full of flavours and spices in the hot sun world. It was launched in 1992 by perfumer Miche Almairac and was considered a perfume transition between the two decades since it combines much of the oriental accords the age of 80 and combines with fruity bursts so present in 90. it is a fragrance created for women dreamy and lush, lovers of oriental culture and landscapes, as it takes us to these remote places. In its top notes we identify peach, black currant, raspberry, mango and coconut among others, all fruity; then they appear mandarin , carnation, cinnamon and jasmine, fully spiced floral notes by the sweet smell of cinnamon, to finally finish with vanilla, benzoin, tonka bean, opopónaco, amber, musk, patchouli and sandalwood, sweet and intensive notes.

NOTABLE AND PERSISTENT. Casmir is a thick and noticeable fragrance, but less pungent than most oriental perfumes that preceded it.

PURE VANILLA. This element is present in its awakening from the first moment of spraying onto our skin, you have the end of his fixation.

WARM AND NIGHT. Because of its smell of intensity, we can classify it as a perfect fragrance for the coldest days of the year and for night time.





家居日用    ⋅    2024-12-10 14:07:44 |ABASK 作者:admin

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