中文名称:Hermes 爱马仕 法布街24号女士淡香水 EDT 100ml
Hermes 爱马仕 法布街24号女士淡香水, 法国Hermès在1995年出品的女性香水。以巴黎总部地址24, Faubourg Saint Honore命名的「24, Faubourg」, 瓶身为浅金黄色, 琥珀色泽的玻璃瓶, 以Hermès最经典的产品一丝巾为其瓶身图案设计。灵感来自于热情浪漫的地中海、印度洋地区。香味清纯、独特, 拥有花香调、木香调及琥珀调, 象征流畅、清澈、碧蓝的天空, 散发太阳的活力与明亮, 呈现清晨的爽朗凉意;而中午时分的炙热与灿烂, 又触动着心灵的最新之处。
○ 品牌:Hermes 爱马仕
○ 品名:女性淡香水
○ 规格:100ml
○ 类型:EDT\淡香水
○ 适用群体:适合所有女士使用。
○ 香水香调:花香甘苔调
前调:橙子, 桃子, 风信子, 依兰, 香柠檬。
中调:黑色接骨木花, 鸢尾花, 橙花, 栀子花, 茉莉。
后调:檀香木, 琥珀, 广藿香, 香草。
○ 携带使用简单、快捷, 香氛宜人, 轻松应付各种社交场合。
○ 香水的瓶身颇具匠心, 内黄金色的液体与哑光金属瓶盖相映成趣, 彰显精致的细节。
○ 七点法:香精以点、香水以线、淡香水以面使用效果更好, 注意擦香过程中避免用力摩擦, 虽然简单的摩擦不会破坏香水分子结构, 但是会使温度过高加快香水的挥发。
○ 喷雾法:在穿衣服前, 让喷雾距身体10-20公分, 喷出雾状香水, 喷洒范围越广越好, 随后立于香雾中5分钟, 或者将香水大范围喷洒, 然后慢慢走过香雾。这样都可以让香雾均匀落在身体上, 留下淡淡的清香。
○ 香水的留香时间和香水的酒精浓度有关, 温度、湿度以及所处环境的通风情况都会影响留香时间, 所以也需要补香。
○ 请勿将其放置在儿童可触及的地方;
○ 请存放于避光、干燥、不高于25摄氏度处;
○ 如有过敏现象, 请寻医就诊。
创立于1837年的Hermès以制造高级马具起家, 从20世纪初开始涉足高级服装业, 上世纪五六十年代起陆续推出香水、西服、鞋饰、瓷器等产品, 成为全方位横跨生活的品位代表。坚持自我、不随波逐流的Hermès多年来一直保持着简约自然的风格, “追求真我, 回归自然”是Hermès设计的目的, 让所有的产品至精至美、无可挑剔是Hermès的一贯宗旨。A JOURNEY TO THE SUN
24 Faubourg by Hermès is an 'Eau de Toilette' for women of floral chypre character. It is a mild and delicate aroma, which reduces the intensity of the 'Eau de Parfum'. We are facing an explosion of white flowers, a burst of femininity and elegance, an enveloping sensation of warmth that falls in love, conquers and seduces, becoming essential and addictive.
This fragrance was created in 1995 by the perfumer Maurice Roucel, who followed his classic line of combining aromas with each other with a perfect integration between them. This perfume describes a traditional woman, an admirer of coastal landscapes and all that they arouse, calm, peace and warmth. A confident and serene woman, who knows what she wants and shares her joys with her loved ones, a loving profile, full of tenderness and generosity.
Its floral stele, initially reminiscent of the perfumes of the 1960s, is a fusion of orange, peach, hyacinth, ylang-ylang and bergamot, which quickly give way to more floral notes, including iris, gardenia and jasmine, and finally, give prominence to characteristic notes of various creations of the firm such as amber and vanilla. It is a very similar aroma to that of'Eau de Parfum', but with less intensity and olfactory power.
EMBLEMATIC STREET. Its name is the address of the Hermès headquarters, 24 Rue du Faubourg Saint Honoré, a large and luminous avenue in the French capital, where several of the most luxurious and prestigious brands in the world of fashion are located.
VINTAGE BOTTLE. Its bottle, transparent and elegant, has golden floral details and a slight curvature on all sides, which gives it a constant movement effect.
SUMMER ELEGANCE. Its distinguished and subtle aroma invites us to move to a sunny summer day. Thanks to the freshness of its notes, it will become an essential companion to refresh the hottest moments of the year, keeping elegance and sophistication firm.
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家居日用 ⋅ 2024-12-02 17:07:12