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  • 中文名称:GIVENCHY 纪梵希 不可抗拒女士香水 限量版 EDP 75ml

  • 外文名称:Live Irresistible EDP

  • 规格:75ml



GIVENCHY 纪梵希 不可抗拒女士香水, 这款香水隶属irresistible香水系列, 不同的是, 它将香甜的菠萝, 浓郁的玫瑰, 辛辣的琥珀混搭在一起。

○ 品牌:Givenchy 纪梵希

○ 品名:女士香水

○ 规格:75ml

○ 类型:EDP\香水

○ 适用群体:适合所有女士使用。

○ 香水香调:花香果香调

前调:菠萝, 玫瑰, 葡萄柚, 蜜橘。

中调:玫瑰, 胡椒, 百香果。

后调:琥珀, 麝香, 鸢尾根, 广藿香, 果仁糖, 香草。


○ 携带使用简单、快捷, 香氛宜人, 轻松应付各种社交场合。

○ 裸橘色纤长的瓶身设计, 打造神秘女性特点, 展现不可抗拒的女性魅力。


○ 七点法:香精以点、香水以线、淡香水以面使用效果更好, 注意擦香过程中避免用力摩擦, 虽然简单的摩擦不会破坏香水分子结构, 但是会使温度过高加快香水的挥发。

○ 喷雾法:在穿衣服前, 让喷雾距身体10-20公分, 喷出雾状香水, 喷洒范围越广越好, 随后立于香雾中5分钟, 或者将香水大范围喷洒, 然后慢慢走过香雾。这样都可以让香雾均匀落在身体上, 留下淡淡的清香。

○ 香水的留香时间和香水的酒精浓度有关, 温度、湿度以及所处环境的通风情况都会影响留香时间, 所以也需要补香。


○ 请勿将其放置在儿童可触及的地方;

○ 请存放于避光、干燥、不高于25摄氏度处;

○ 如有过敏现象, 请寻医就诊。


纪梵希(Givenchy)是来自法国的时装品牌, 优美、简洁、典雅是纪梵希最大特点, 纪梵希最初以香水为其主要产品, 后开始涉足护肤及彩妆事业。1952年, 纪梵希这个品牌在法国正式诞生。它是以其创始人、第一位首席设计师休伯特·德·纪梵希(Hubert de Givenchy)命名的。几十年来, 这一品牌一直保持着“优雅的风格”, 在时装界几乎成了“优雅”的代名词。而纪梵希本人在任何场合出现总是一副儒雅气度和爽洁不俗的外形, 因而被誉为“时装界的绅士”。直到1995年7月11日纪梵希在他的最后一次高级时装发布会后宣告引退。纪梵希的这台展示会是空前的, 也是令人难忘的。“时尚、简洁、女性化”——人们在他塑造的活泼而优雅的女性形象中重温了这一品牌多年来的风格本质。其标记是4个“G”字母的变形组和黑体字GⅣENCHY字样, 堪称Givenchy的金字招牌。经典、高贵、时髦, 这就是被称为法国时装界的绅士的Givenchy的风格所在。ROSE PETALS FOR OPTIMISM AND JOY

LIVE IRRéSISTIBLE by Givenchy is an "Eau de Parfum" for women from the Fruity Floral family. A spring scent governed by the beauty of flowers, which invites us to welcome the good weather, infecting us with good humour and joy.

This fragrance was launched in 2015 by perfumer Dominique Ropion. With it, the brand seeks to approach a younger audience, since much of their creations have a more serious and formal essence. With a jovial and amusing character, LIVE IRRéSISTIBLE will be a faithful companion for good moments, and the one charged with harnessing the 'more irresistible side' of each woman.

Its sweet stele , fuses romanticism with exoticism and joy with sensuality, thanks to the excellent combination of its notes, all balanced to avoid excesses and minimize defects. Among the most outstanding are pineapple, passion fruit, rose petals, vanilla and praline, these last two are the ones in charge of giving it a more gourmand touch.

YOUTHFUL AUDIENCE. Givenchy has decided to give an unexpected twist to its perfumery trajectory by launching this fragrance, aimed at a young audience with a sparkling spirit. An explosion of vibrant sensations tinged with floral refinement gives rise to this essence, transmitter of well-being, fun and a little innocent mischief.

SPRING ADVENTURE. LIVE IRRéSISTIBLE is a perfume clearly influenced by the spring and everything this brings, such as good weather, luminosity, joy and pleasant floral breezes. Perfect to enjoy day-to-day life and make every moment a unique and unrepeatable occasion.

AMANDA SEYFRIED is the actress who is the face of the advertising campaign. With an angelic image, full of positivism and happiness, her contagious smile and impressive looks express everything that embodies the essence of the perfume: vitality, delicacy and happiness.



Estee Lauder摩登都市女士香水怎么样 雅诗兰黛摩登都市女士香水好闻吗

Estee Lauder 雅诗兰黛 摩登都市女士香水(EDP)这款香水系列是业界首创以木质琥珀香调作为前味的女士香水系列。是市场上极少数以流体树木融合而成的女性暖调香水。透过雅诗兰黛这款独特的Sensuous香水,每个女性得以透过诠释表达自我个性,展现专属个人的独有香气、个人独一无二。

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