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BIOEFFECT 蓓欧菲 30天密集珍萃精华露好用吗


  • 中文名称:BIOEFFECT 蓓欧菲 30天密集珍萃精华露 5ml*3


  • 规格:15


BIOEFFECT 蓓欧菲 30天密集珍萃精华露 是一款新型的抗衰老精华,拥有来自冰岛的生物研究技术。

BIOEFFECT 30天密集精粹精华露是世界上首款包含从人类皮肤复制并在植物中提取的三种不同类型的细胞活化剂。它是一种高度活跃的抗衰老精华,专为肌肤细纹更深、更明显的女性配制而成。这对于受到环境损伤(例如长期暴露于污染,日晒或寒冷和干燥的天气)的皮肤也是特别有利的。

BIOEFFECT 蓓欧菲 30天密集珍萃精华露也可以用于眼周。


BIOEFFECT 30 Day Treatment is a new intensive anti-ageing boost, resulting from biotechnology research in Iceland.

It is the first and only skincare product to contain three different types of cellular activators copied from human skin and made in plants. The BIOEFFECT 30 Day Treatment is a highly active anti-ageing treatment, designed for women who have begun to experience their fine lines becoming deeper and more noticeable. It is also especially advantageous for skin, which is subjected to aggressive environments such as prolonged exposure to pollution, the sun or to cold and dry weather.

BIOEFFECT 30 Day Treatment can also be used around the eye area.

Directions:2-4 drops of BIOEFFECT 30 DAY TREATMENT should be applied to the facial area on clean & dry skin every morning and evening for a period of 30 days.



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GUERLAIN 娇兰 光透养肤小灯泡粉底液 SPF15 30ml 03W ​购买链接:https://www.febee.de/product/1004671.html

个护化妆    ⋅    10小时前 |GUERLAIN|娇兰 作者:admin

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个护化妆    ⋅    10小时前 作者:admin