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NATURA BISSE悦碧施 深层清洁 去黑头涂抹面膜泥 75ml 抛光面膜

NATURA BISSE 悦碧施 深层清洁  去黑头涂抹面膜泥 75ml 抛光面膜


Marine DNA overnight treatment with retinol

Designed to be perfectly comfortable for night use, this NATURA BISSé Diamond Extreme Mask not only seals the DIAMOND EXTREME OIL ingredients into the skin, thus intensifying their benefits, but also provides a high concentration of anti-aging active ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, retinol and marine DNA in a game-changer formula that provides astonishing results, both immediate and progressive.

Benefits of NATURA BISSé Diamond Extreme Mask 75ml:

- Firms and energises, renews and softens skin.

- Minimises expression lines and wrinkles.

- Ensures the absorption of actives applied previously.

- Light, silky texture, highly refreshing.



CHANEL香奈儿臻美光感丝绒哑光粉底液 30ml B20

CHANEL香奈儿臻美光感丝绒哑光粉底液 30ml B20 ​购买链接:https://www.febee.de/product/1011396.html

个护化妆    ⋅    1小时前 |chanel|香奈儿 作者:admin


SHISEIDO 资生堂 时光琉璃御藏 多效防护滋养日霜 SPF20 滋润不油腻,质地轻盈,易于吸收,不会给肌肤造成任何负担,各种肤质均可使用。富含有维他命E等抗氧化剂,可以有效抵抗自由基,延缓皮肤衰老;

个护化妆    ⋅    1小时前 |SHISEIDO|资生堂 作者:admin

VALMONT蜜润补湿精华怎么样 法尔曼蜜润补湿精华好用吗

VALMONT 法尔曼 蜜润补湿精华 3D立体补水冻龄精华 30ml HYDRA REGENETIC CONCENTRATE de Valmont, un sérum reparador de hidratación profunda y continua para pieles maduras.

个护化妆    ⋅    1小时前 |Valmont|法尔曼|蜜润补湿精华 作者:admin