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Genexa 香草薰衣草时差Rx咀嚼片 60片

Make traveling easier and take back your day with a strong organic medicine that allows you to make the most of your time away. Treats jet lag symptoms including fatigue, mood changes, sleeplessness, early waking, loss of appetite

营养保健    ⋅    2023-03-15 15:43:00 |Genexa 作者:admin

First Light Natural Health Chakra Balance Support Oral Drops 20ml

A balancing plant infusion blend to support and strengthen the chakras ?the energy centres throughout the body - to bring stability and a sense of inner strength and wellbeing in daily life.

营养保健    ⋅    2023-03-14 11:36:00 作者:admin

Harker Herbals草本化痰口服液说明书介绍

Harker Herbals 草本化痰口服液是一种特殊的药剂,可以单独使用,也可以与我们其他呼吸配方一起使用。可有效清除肺里的粘液和痰,保持肺部气道的畅通、震靜。本品不含人工色素,香料和防腐剂,能够安全放心的咳嗽,减轻不舒适感觉。

营养保健    ⋅    2023-03-14 11:36:00 |草本化痰口服液 作者:admin

First Light Natural Health Parenting Kit 3 x 20ml

The First Light Natural Health?Parenting Kit?contains three flower essence blends that gently support the emotional needs of parent and child. They support emotional bonding, emotional strength, balance and healthy independence.

营养保健    ⋅    2023-03-14 11:36:00 作者:admin

Naturo Pharm调整时差睡眠喷雾产品成份和作用介绍

Naturo Pharm 调整时差睡眠喷雾采用多种植物萃取精华活性配方,温和无刺激,效果显著,对身体不会造成任何伤害。使用时不会导致嗜睡,是居家出行旅行的常备药品。能缩短睡前觉醒时间和入睡时间,促进睡眠质量,睡眠中觉醒次数明显减少,浅睡阶段短,深睡阶段延长,次日早晨唤醒阈值下降。

营养保健    ⋅    2023-03-13 10:30:00 |调整时差睡眠喷雾 作者:admin

First Light Natural Health Mothers Support Oral Drops 20ml

A reassuring plant infusion blend to support the natural intuition of a mother. Helps to feel centred, confident and assured in your role as a mother so you are able to deal with situations in a stress free manner and provide nurturing and care to others.

营养保健    ⋅    2023-03-13 10:30:00 作者:admin

First Light Natural Health Self-Care Support Oral Drops 20ml

A self-nurturing plant infusion blend to support optimal levels of energy and wellbeing when providing care or service to others. Provides an essential emotional and energetic support to therapists, healers and caregivers.

营养保健    ⋅    2023-03-13 10:30:00 作者:admin

Lifestream 螺旋藻+绿藻+大麦草胶囊 120粒

Lifestream Ultimate Greens is a highly effective blend of the Green Superfoods: Lifestream Certified Organic Spirulina Lifestream Chlorella and Lifestream Certified Organic Barley Grass.

营养保健    ⋅    2023-03-11 15:16:00 |Lifestream 作者:admin

Naturo Pharm植物精华修复乳的作用与功效是什么

Naturo Pharm 植物精华修复乳采用独有金盏花和圣约翰草配方,有效舒缓、安抚脆弱的肌肤,促进肌肤水油平衡,深层锁水保湿,巩固肌肤保护屏障。能帮助任何肌肤上的治愈创伤、割伤、擦伤、烫伤及昆虫咬伤,改善肌肤干燥敏感现象

营养保健    ⋅    2023-03-11 15:16:00 |植物精华修复乳 作者:admin

First Light Natural Health De-Tox Support Oral Spray 20ml

A cleansing plant infusion blend to support release and elimination of old outworn habits and emotional patterns. Encourages order, purity and wholeness.

营养保健    ⋅    2023-03-11 15:16:00 作者:admin


Lifestream 螺旋藻粉营养丰富,蛋白质含量高达60%-70%;是一类富含螺旋藻的绿色食品,能为机体提供复杂的营养来源,从而维持一定的能量水平,保持机体的稳定活,具有减轻癌症放疗、化疗的毒副反应,提高抵抗力功能,降低血脂等功效,同时,有助于帮助身体 、抵抗衰老老;

营养保健    ⋅    2023-03-10 15:06:00 |Lifestream|螺旋藻粉 作者:admin

Naturo Pharm关节舒缓喷雾怎么样好用吗

Naturo Pharm 关节舒缓喷雾采用科学配方,富含泻根、芸香和辣椒等植物精华,温和无刺激,吸收利用率高,可以有效弥补日常膳食中维生素和矿物质摄入的不足,可以有效缓解缓解的疼痛,骨和风湿,促进关节灵活性,修复关节软骨损伤和帮助减少关节肿胀,保护关节健康,还有助于提高抵抗力你的健康和活。

营养保健    ⋅    2023-03-10 15:06:00 |关节舒缓喷雾 作者:admin