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Colloidal 补铜口服喷雾 110ml

Colloidal Health Solutions - The Copper Solution (Colloidal Copper)


The Copper Solution – Colloidal Copper is fast acting, highly bio-available, Ionic-Colloidal Copper supplement manufactured from pure Copper. Copper is a crucial micro-nutrient needed by humans and animals for metabolic processes, proper organ function, iron uptake, the formation of pigments, and antioxidant defense.



As Copper is essential for good blood health balance a lack of copper will result in difficulty up taking iron. The Copper Solution is extremely effective at assisting with iron absorption. This product is highly recommended for anyone who takes iron supplementation. It is advisable to check blood iron levels when taking The Copper Solution and iron supplementation as the iron supplementation may need reduced to avoid high levels of iron in the blood. 


The Copper Solution is a high-quality Colloidal Copper which aids in the formation of:


- Bone, Haemoglobin and Red blood cells.


And  supports:


  • The healing process

  • Energy production

  • Hair and skin colouring

  • Taste sensitivity 

ºView all Colloidal Health Solutions




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