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Centrum 男性中枢维生素 90片

Centrum for Men has increased levels of Vitamin C, B Group vitamins and Magnesium to provide more Energy, Immunity and support a Healthy Heart and Muscles.
*Compared to Centrum Advance & Centrum Advance 50+



Nutritional needs vary for Men & Women. That’s why Centrum For Men is specially formulated to support the needs of men

The Benefits:



Includes B Vitamins, such as Folic Acid, to support daily energy.

Immune Support

With key antioxidants such as Vitamins A, C & E, Betacarotine, Selenium and Zinc to help support immune function.

Healthy Muscles

Contains Magnesium and Vitamin D to help support muscle health.

Heart Function

With Lycopene, Vitamin B6 and Folic Acid to help maintain a healthy heart.

How is it developed?

Nutrient needs vary across the life span for men and women. It has been long identified that specific nutrients increase or decrease depending on a person's age and gender. So Centrum has developed a product specially formulated to meet optimal RDI's (Recommended Daily Intake) and the different health needs of men.

Who is it for?

Centrum For Men is formulated to support the specific needs of men.

Recommended Dietary Intakes (RDIs) and Centrum

Centrum for Men does not contain excessive levels of vitamins and minerals but is developed with levels close to the RDIs, as the role of a multivitamin is to supplement the diet, not replace it. Centrum for Men is ideal for filling any nutritional gaps in a man's diet.


View all Centrum Range




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