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Cabot Health Livatone Plus Capsules 240

Our bestselling, multi-action formula that has been used and trusted by people across the world for more than 20 years! Specially formulated to contain as many active, liver-loving ingredients as possible, to provide the liver with maximal support. This comprehensive and unique formulation is designed to support and strengthen detoxification pathways. It could assist the liver in repairing and regenerating itself. LivaTone Plus supports optimal digestive and gallbladder function.  


The benefits of LivaTone Plus:

Traditionally used in European herbal medicine to:

- maintain and support natural liver detoxification processes

- relieve abdominal bloating and distention

- promote healthy gallbladder function

- help improve bile secretion

- help enhance/promote healthy liver function

- maintain and support healthy liver regeneration

- to protect the liver

- reduce and relieve symptoms associated with occasional overindulgence

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