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BetterYou Magnesium Flakes Original 250g

BetterYou Magnesium Flakes Original 250g

Magnesium is crucial for skeletal strength  normalised muscle function  energy production and the bodys ability to detox. It is a pivotal nutrient responsible for over 300 chemical actions within the body and associated with thousands more.


When dissolved in a body or foot bath the solution feeds every cell and efficiently replaces magnesium lost through modern diet and pressured lifestyles  providing you with the most relaxing 20 minutes you will ever spend!

Contains Zechstein Inside magnesium chloride  the purest known source that has been naturally condensed and purified for over 250 million years. Every 100g of Magnesium Flakes delivers 12g of elemental magnesium.

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Magnesium Flakes are a very gentle way to increase your body’s magnesium levels, simply add to a foot or body soak for the ultimate in relaxation.


Active Ingredients:

100% natural, Zechstein Inside® magnesium chloride hexahydrate at a concentration of 47%




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