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Wild Dispensary Immunity Tonic 200ml - Elderberry & Manuka

Wild Dispensary Elderberry & Manuka Immunity Tonic


The main ingredient in the Wild Dispensary Immunity Tonic centers on elderberry (Sambucus nigra), a plant that has traditionally been used to boost immunity, and to ease the symptoms of colds and flu.



As well as elderberry, the Immunity Tonic contains wild-harvested manuka leaf (Leptospermum scoparium). Our Immunity Tonic also includes a range of powerful traditional medicinal spices: ginger, cinnamon and star anise. These spices work with elderberry and manuka to create a pleasant tasting and highly effective herbal tonic.


Key Benefits:

- Elderberries are high in antioxidants, vitamins A and C and are also anti-viral.

- Elderberries contain natural chemical compounds called anthocyanidins, which are known for immunostimulant effects.

- Numerous scientific studies on elderberry confirm the traditional use as a remedy to combat cold and flu symptoms. Recent research suggests elderberry can shorten the duration of cold and flu- like symptoms by an average of four days.

- Manuka has a range of anti-bacterial properties and has a long heritage of traditional use by Maori.


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