Digest-med assists the body's response to digestive disturbances and overindulgence while supporting normal healthy bowel function.
Beneficial for:
supporting the body's response to digestive disturbances and overindulgence
helps support healthy bowel function
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Acute: 2 tablets per dose every 15 minutes for up to 6 doses then 3 times per day as required. Suck the tablets for 1 or 2 minutes then either dispose of tablets or chew and swallow.
Chronic: 2 tablets per dose 3 times per day as required.
Homeopathic remedies aim to stimulate your body to respond to symptoms being experienced.? Unlike many healthcare products, homeopathic remedies should STOP BEING TAKEN when symptoms start to improve.
If symptoms persist or worsen, stop taking the remedy immediately and consult your healthcare professional.
Active Ingredients:
homoeopathic potencies of
Carbo Veg,
Natrum Mur,
Nux Vomica and
all in a 30c potency.
Royal Green是什么牌子 Royal Green明星产品推荐
荷兰Royal Green(皇家健灵)是荷兰Frechtop公司旗下的荣誉产品。Royal Green相信只有尊重“天然之道”,才是唯一享受生活的健康方式。一直坚信有机成分是大自然赠与人类的最佳礼物,所以在挑选产品原料上一直坚持选用纯天然、安全、有机认证产品。
营养保健 ⋅ 2024-08-21 22:47:13
Nutralife是什么牌子 新西兰NutraLife纽乐好不好
Nutralife(纽乐)是新西兰营养保健品市场的品牌,是历经四十多年创造的享誉全球的国际天然保健品牌。Nutra-life(纽乐)产品是100%新西兰制造,都是由位于新西兰奥克兰市 East Tamaki的现代化工厂制造完成。 Nutra-life(纽乐)是VITACO集团旗下的重要品牌之一