Ansell Lifestyles Skyn Condoms - NON LATEX
Straight Form and Reservoir End
Lubricated (non spermicidal)
Smooth Texture
Natural Colour
53mm Nominal Width
Skyn condoms are made from polyisoprene a scientifically formulated non latex material that provides a softer more natural feel
Store in a cool dry place away from direct sunlight. Proper use of Ansell condoms will help reduce the risk of unintended pregnancy Sexually Transmissible infections (STIs) and HIV/AIDS. Condoms are an efficient barrier however no method of contraception can provide protection. Single use only
This product does NOT contain natural rubber latex and is a suitable choice for individuals with a known or suspected allergy to natural rubber latex.
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Royal Green是什么牌子 Royal Green明星产品推荐
荷兰Royal Green(皇家健灵)是荷兰Frechtop公司旗下的荣誉产品。Royal Green相信只有尊重“天然之道”,才是唯一享受生活的健康方式。一直坚信有机成分是大自然赠与人类的最佳礼物,所以在挑选产品原料上一直坚持选用纯天然、安全、有机认证产品。
营养保健 ⋅ 2024-08-21 22:47:13
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