Clear Eyes can provide relief for your red irritated eyes.
Symptoms: Red and Irritated eyes
When you work too hard or play too hard the surface of your eyes can sometimes become red and irritated causing the blood vessels in the eyes to swell making the eyes look red.
Red Eye
Eye Irritation
Itchy Eye
Burning Eye
Gritty Eye
Clear Eyes can provide relief for your red irritated eyes.
How does Clear Eyes work?
Vasoconstrictor & Decongestant action
Reduces unsightly blood vessels
Brightens eyes for up to 8 hours
Lubricant prolongs relief and improves eye comfort
View all Clear Eyes Range
Tilt head back, squeeze 1 or 2 drops into each eye up to 4 times a day.
First check with your Pharmacist that Clear Eyes Redness is right for you
Do not touch bottle tip to any surface since this may contaminate solution. This product should not be used by individuals suffering from glaucoma or serious eye diseases. Remove contact lenses before use. Discard contents 4 weeks after opening.
If symptoms persist or you have side effects, discontinue use and consult your health professional.
Active Ingredients:
Clear Eyes Redness contains: Naphazoline Hydrochloride (0.012%) Also contains boric acid, sodium borate, disodium edentate, glycerol, purified water, and benzalkonium choride as a preservative.
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