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婴幼儿童液体乳钙软胶囊 90粒/瓶


Bio Island 生物岛 澳洲液体乳钙软胶囊是一款婴幼儿专用的单纯用于补钙产品。其中没有添加任何化学成分,安全无刺激。其中蕴含的乳钙成分来源于澳洲纯牛奶,对孩子重要的生理作用就是有利于骨骼和牙齿健康生长,骨骼里面含有钙的成分是多的,所以小孩和成人不一样,他在不断的成长、不断的需要钙,所以钙的补充是非常重要的。另蕴含的维生素D可有利于食物中钙质吸收,还可有利于血钙向骨组织沉着,对骨骼的生长发育有重要作用。


中文名称丨Bio Island 生物岛 澳洲液体乳钙软胶囊 90粒(全新包装)

英文名称丨Bio Island Milk Calcium Cap X 90

品  牌丨Bio Island/生物岛

规  格丨90粒


成  分丨每粒胶囊含:羟基磷灰石:270mg,钙:65mg,胆钙化醇(维生素D 100IU):2.5mcg。




Product Introduction

Suitable for infant over 4 weeks.Derived from cow's milk.

Calcium has a structural role in the body, with about 99% of calcium being found in the skeleton. Calcium can support the development and maintenance of strong, health bones and teeth and to maximize bone growth.

Vitamin D has various important roles in the body. It is essential for the absorption and utilization of calcium and the normal calcification of the skeleton.


Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Always read the enclosed product information carefully before use. This is a nutritional supplement and is not intended to replace a varied diet and a healthy lifestyle. Store tightly closed in a dry place and keep out of the reach of children. Consult your doctor or health care professional before use, Not suitable for those with an allergy to any of the product's ingredients.


Each capsule contains:

Hydroxyapatite 270mg

Equiv. to Calcium 65mg

Cholecalciferol (Vit D 100IU) 2.5mcg


Children 4 weeks - 6 months, take 1 capsule once daily; 7 months-1 year take 2 capsules once daily; 1 year - 3 years, take 2-3 capsules once daily; 4 - 9 years, take 3-4 capsules once daily. For children under 4 years, twist or cut the capsule tail and squeeze the contents onto a spoon. The contents can then be administered into the mouth, using the spoon. Alternatively, the dosage can be squeezed onto food.



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