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Neilmed 儿童洗鼻盐套装(盐水喷雾剂 120ml+鼻腔冲洗盐包 30包)


Neilmed 儿童洗鼻盐套装包含:Neilmed 盐水喷雾剂 120ml、Neilmed 鼻腔冲洗盐包 30包。

Neilmed 盐水喷雾剂为不需处方的生理盐水鼻腔滴剂,可以即时缓解由于感冒,过敏,窦炎以及气候干燥引起的鼻腔堵塞干燥的症状。本品不含酒精成分,温和的生理盐水配方不会刺激娇嫩的鼻腔粘膜,可以随时取用,不用担心有任何副作用,鼻腔通畅可以保证有良好的睡眠和喂食,这一点至关重要。


Neilmed 鼻腔冲洗盐包,每包盐兑240ml、37度温水。无污染医用级别氯化钠和碳酸氢钠成分,芦荟提取物滋润鼻腔,桉树油抗菌消炎。便携易用。不含防腐剂,酸碱平衡。适用于过敏性鼻炎、感冒、鼻腔刺激性粉尘、烟雾、动物皮屑、花粉。

○ 规格:120ml、30包

○ 品牌:Neilmed

○ 产地:新西兰


○ Neilmed 盐水喷雾剂:特别设计的喷嘴更柔和地喷出喷雾,适用于成人、儿童和婴儿。配方温和,不含添加剂,不刺激鼻腔粘膜。喷雾设计,使用更方便,更卫生。

○ Neilmed 鼻腔冲洗盐包:每包盐兑240ml、37度温水。每包盐兑240ml、37度温水。经检验,无添加任何人工色素、香精、防腐剂。


○ Neilmed 盐水喷雾剂:帮助呼吸顺畅。能清洗鼻腔赃物,保持呼吸道清洁。帮助舒缓鼻腔过敏,鼻塞等症状。可以即时缓解由于感冒,过敏,窦炎以及气候干燥引起的鼻腔堵塞干燥的症状。

○ Neilmed 鼻腔冲洗盐包:清洁鼻腔,疏通鼻塞,使呼吸通透,同时湿润鼻腔。有效缓解伤风伤风感冒及不良环境对鼻腔的刺激。能够有效缓解因花粉过敏的鼻腔并清洁鼻腔中的灰尘。有效缓解急性鼻炎、过敏性鼻炎、慢性鼻炎、鼻窦炎等引起的鼻塞、流鼻涕、鼻痒等不适。缓解因鼻涕倒流引发的咽部不适,如咳嗽、喉咙痛。


○ Neilmed 盐水喷雾剂:纯净水、氯化钠:10mg/ml、碳酸氢钠:0.5-1mg/ml。

○ Neilmed 鼻腔冲洗盐包:氯化钠


○ 适用于1岁以上的儿童。


○ Neilmed 盐水喷雾剂:将喷嘴插入鼻孔,轻轻按下,将鼻腔喷入足够的喷雾。儿童和婴儿使用过程中固定头部,将喷嘴浅浅插入鼻孔,避免伤害。

○ Neilmed 鼻腔冲洗盐包:每包盐兑240ml、37度温水。放入鼻腔冲洗瓶中使用。


○ 使用前应仔细阅读标签;

○ 请勿将其放置在儿童可触及的地方;

○ 请存放于避光、干燥、不高于25摄氏度处;

○ 不交叉使用喷雾防止交叉感染;

○ 使用过程中不要堵住鼻腔,防止给鼻子和耳朵造成压力;

○ 鼻腔喷雾是压力装置,避免刺穿和焚烧,且需远离儿童;

○ 婴儿和年龄较小儿童,孕妇使用前请咨询医生;

○ 如有过敏现象,请寻医就诊。


Ensure you read the enclosed instructions and only use as directed.


Neilmeds recommendation is to replace the bottle every three months.



Step 1
Please wash your hands. Fill the clean bottle with the designated volume of lukewarm distilled, filtered or previously boiled water. You may warm the water in a microwave in increments of 5 to 10 seconds to avoid overheating the water, damaging the device or scalding your nasal passage.



Step 2
Cut the SINUS RINSE mixture packet at the corner and pour its contents into the bottle. Tighten the cap and tube on the bottle securely. Place one finger over the tip of the cap and shake the bottle gently to dissolve the mixture.



Step 3
Standing in front of a sink, bend forward to your comfort level and tilt your head down. Keeping your mouth open, without holding your breath, place the cap snugly against your nasal passage. SQUEEZE BOTTLE GENTLY until the solution starts draining from the OPPOSITE nasal passage. Some may drain from your mouth. For a proper rinse, keep squeezing the bottle GENTLY until at least 1/4 to 1/2 (60 mL to 120 mL or 2 to 4 fl oz) of the bottle is used. Do not swallow the solution.



Step 4
Blow your nose very gently, without pinching nose completely to avoid pressure on eardrums.

If tolerable, sniff in gently any residual solution remaining in the nasal passage once or twice, because this may clean out the posterior nasopharyngeal area, which is the area at the back of your nasal passage. At times, some solution will reach the back of your throat, so please spit it out.

To help drain any residual solution, blow your nose gently while tilting your head forward and to the opposite side of the nasal passage you just rinsed.



Step 5
Now repeat steps 3 and 4 for your other nasal passage.



Step 6
Clean the bottle and cap. Air dry the SINUS RINSE bottle, cap, and tube on a clean paper towel or use NeilMed NasaDOCK or NasaDOCK plus (sold separately) to store the bottle, cap and tube.



WARNING: Please Read Before Using.
?Always rinse your nasal passages with NeilMed SINUS RINSE packets only. Our packets contain a mixture of USP grade sodium chloride and sodium bicarbonate. These ingredients are of the purest quality available to make the dry powder mixture.


Rinsing your nasal passages with only plain water without our mixture will result in a severe burning sensation as the plain water is not physiologic for your nasal lining, even if it is appropriate for drinking. Additionally, for your safety, do not use tap or faucet water for dissolving the mixture unless it has been previously boiled for five minutes or more as boiling sterilizes the water.


Other choices are distilled, micro-filtered (through 0.2 micron), commercially bottled or, as mentioned earlier, previously boiled water at lukewarm or body temperature. You can store boiled water in a clean container for seven days or more if refrigerated. Do not use non-chlorinated or non-ultra (0.2 micron) filtered well water unless it is boiled and then cooled to lukewarm or body temperature.


Do not rinse if your nasal passages are completely blocked or if you have an ear infection or blocked ears. If you have had recent ear or sinus surgery, contact your physician prior to irrigation. If you experience any pressure in the ears or burning in the nasal passages, stop irrigation and get further directions from your physician. Keep out of reach of children. Read and retain this enclosed brochure for instructions and other important information.

?Always Use Distilled or Micro-Filtered (through 0.2 micron) or Commercially Bottled or Previously Boiled & Cooled Down Water at Lukewarm or Body Temperature. Please do not use tap or faucet water when using NeilMed's nasal wash devices unless it has been previously boiled and cooled down.

?Before using the SINUS RINSE Kit for the first time, please inspect the cap, tube and bottle carefully for wear and tear. If any of the components appear discoloured or cracked, please contact NeilMed to obtain a replacement. You must follow the cleaning instructions provided in this brochure or cleaning instruction card or on our website prior to each use.

?The SINUS RINSE bottle and mixture are to be used only for nasal irrigation. Do not use for any other purposes.

?Rinse your nasal passages only with NeilMed SINUS RINSE packets. Our packets contain a mixture of USP grade sodium chloride and sodium bicarbonate. These ingredients are the purest quality available to make the dry powder mixture. Rinsing your nasal passages with only plain water will result in a severe burning sensation. Use distilled, micro-filtered (through 0.2 micron), commercially bottled or previously boiled & cooled down water at lukewarm or body temperature, properly mixed with NeilMed SINUS RINSE packets. Do not use tap or faucet water for dissolving the mixture unless it has been previously boiled and cooled down. Do not rinse if nasal passages are completely blocked or if you have an ear infection or blocked ears.

If you have had recent ear or sinus surgery, contact your physician prior to irrigation. If you experience any pressure in the ears or burning in the nasal passages, stop irrigation and get further directions from your physician. Keep out of reach of children. Read and retain this enclosed brochure, if provided, for instructions and other important information.

?We recommend that you use the rinse ONE HOUR PRIOR to bedtime in order to avoid any residual solution dripping down the throat.

?We strongly advise against the use of our kit on children or adults who have physical limitations or mental disabilities due to developmental or acquired disorders. Adults should read the directions first before using it on their children. Keep out of reach of children. Do not swallow the solution; however, if you do so accidentally, there is no harm as the amount of sodium ingested in one swallow is insignificant.

?Patients who are unable to stand up or bend near the sink SHOULD NOT use this product. We advise you NOT to use this kit on patients who are bed bound or severely debilitated.

Tips To Avoid Ear Discomfort While Rinsing


?If you have had ear surgery, please contact your physician prior to irrigation.
?Do not use if you have an ear infection or blocked ears.
?Rinse with lukewarm distilled, filtered or previously boiled water.
?Keep your mouth open.
?Do not hold your breath while rinsing.
?While rinsing, make sure to tilt your head as shown in the photo below.
?Gently squeeze the bottle while rinsing; do not squeeze the bottle very forcefully.
?Stop the rinse if you feel a sensation of fluid near your ears.
?Most importantly, always blow your nose very gently.

To Avoid Unexpected Drainage After Rinsing:
In rare situations, especially if you have had sinus surgery, the saline solution can pool in the sinus cavities and nasal passages and then drip from your nostrils hours after rinsing. To avoid this harmless but annoying inconvenience, take one extra step after rinsing: lean forward, tilt your head sideways and gently blow your nose. Then, tilt your head to the other side and blow again.


You may need to repeat this several times. This will help rid your nasal passages of any excess mucus and remaining saline solution. If you find yourself experiencing delayed drainage often, do not rinse right before leaving your house or going to bed.

Caution against using homemade salt mixtures with NeilMed medical devices:
Homemade solutions may have incorrect concentrations, leading to inadequate relief or even nasal congestion. Additionally, storebought table salt and baking soda are not pharmaceutical grade compounds for medical use and may contain impurities.

The NeilMed SINUS RINSE system is a large volume nasal rinse that will deliver 120mL to 240mL(8 fl oz) of saline solution into the nasal passages. Adding one blue packet of NeilMed SINUS RINSE to 240mL(8 fl oz) of water will make an Isotonic saline solution (Hypertonic with 2 or more packets) that is pH balanced and preservative free.

Active Ingredients:

Each sachet has USP Grade (Purity level 99% or higher) Sodium Chloride and Sodium Bicarbonate Mixture (pH balanced, Isotonic, Preservative & Iodine Free).




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