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Reminiscence 回忆 雷姆女士淡香精香水 EDP 100ml


  • 中文名称:Reminiscence 回忆 雷姆女士淡香精香水 EDP 100ml

  • 规格:100

  • 单位:毫升

  • 适用人群:女性



Rem by Reminiscence is a “Eau de Parfum“ for women included in the aquatic floral family. It is a marine scent, which takes us to a paradisiacal island, where we will relax and live a dream vacation, and our only distractions will be the noise of the sea breeze and the touch of the skin with the sand.

This fragrance was launched in 2015. We are in front of a calm, soft and relaxing aroma, which invites us to close our eyes and let ourselves be taken on a pleasure trip, in which we are surprised by thousands of stories, fascinated by spectacular sunsets and discover hidden corners of overwhelming and unforgettable beauty.

Its olfactory pyramid begins with watery, fresh, full of energy and strength, which leads us to a heart in which flowers reign, soft, delicate and with a certain romantic touch. Finally, its background adopts warmth and a more sensual facet, thanks to the presence of ntoas such as vanilla and tonka bean.

DAY BY DAY. Rem is a perfect scent to wear in our daily life, especially during the warmer seasons. It is a perfect choice for work or family outings.

MARINE WAVES. Its bottle, spherical in shape and cut on glass, takes on a beautiful shade of blue, a symbol of the crystalline colour of seawater.

GIFT IDEA. Thanks to the freshness of its notes, this fragrance has a high rate of acceptance among the female public. Thanks to this it becomes a perfect gift idea.



Alyssa Ashley艾丽莎女士麝香清透自然淡香水好闻吗

Alyssa Ashley 艾丽莎 女士麝香清透自然淡香水(EDT)于1969年推出。年轻女士适用的丰富麝香香氛。清爽,高训细柔,浪漫,迷人。初调为佛手柑,依兰花,辣椒花辛香。主调为茉莉,珍贵玫瑰铃兰与紫罗兰。

家居日用    ⋅    1天前 |艾丽莎 作者:admin

DIOR悦之欢璀璨香水怎么样 迪奥悦之欢璀璨香水好闻吗

DIOR 迪奥 悦之欢璀璨女士 EDP,花卉与柑橘的活泼笑意,麝香的宁静舒缓。千面个性的层次感,不失清新透澈。传达着一种特别情绪与感受,以嗅觉完成对光的诠释。这款香水仿佛一幅点彩画,技艺精妙,却深藏不露。香调结构展现着丰富的层次与多元变化的个性,整体却是如此清澈,自信,利落。

家居日用    ⋅    1天前 |Dior|迪奥|悦之欢璀璨香水 作者:admin

BURBERRY博柏利先生男士淡香水怎么样 博柏利先生男士淡香水评价

Burberry 博柏利 博柏利先生男士淡香水 EDT 独特地融合了辛辣,木质和柑橘的香气,非常优雅,令人陶醉。 这款香水由Burberry于2016年推出,男士香水以葡萄柚,龙蒿,薄荷和小豆蔻的前调来开启,带来清新和活力。

家居日用    ⋅    1天前 |BURBERRY|博柏利 作者:admin