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Hermes橘彩星光香水怎么样 爱马仕橘彩星光女士淡香水好闻吗


  • 中文名称:Hermes 爱马仕 橘彩星光女士淡香水 50ml

  • 外文名称:Lambre merveil.edp vapo    50

  • 规格:50ml


After Eau des Merveilles in 2004, Elixir des Merveilles in 2006 and Eau Claire des Merveilles in 2010, Hermès's olfactory history of "Wonders" continues with a new chapter. ? The fashion house has launched this year L'Ambre des Merveilles, a new feminine fragrance with strong oriental and vanilla accents. Jean-Claude Ellena, who described it as follows: " With Eau des Merveilles, I had tried to express a non-floral femininity, but I was very woody and full of character, with élixir, I had desired to composition "gourmand" and provocative, with Eau Claire I wanted clarity, transparency, lightness: with Ambre instead, the woman becomes sensual and mysterious. For this new chapter in history, between the pleasure and sensuality. "The bouquet of the perfume consists of amber, in fact, associated with labdanum, vanilla and patchouli.                    



Jean Paul Gaultier高缇耶女士香水哪款好闻

Jean Paul Gaultier 高缇耶 丑闻女士香水 EDP 80ml,这支香水适合秋冬,甜、却有个性,性感、调皮、低调中有高调,总是爱说「我的年纪不适合喷甜香」的女郎们,这支可以试试。

家居日用    ⋅    9小时前 |女士香水|高缇耶|高缇耶女士香水 作者:admin

Thierry Mugler异性女士香水怎么样 蒂埃里穆勒异性女士香水好闻吗

Thierry Mugler 蒂埃里穆勒 异性女士香水,正如它的名字一样,异形对女性来说是一种独特的香味。这款独特而大胆的混合香气让你与众不同,它混合了迷人的茉莉花和木质羊绒的香气,混合罕见的甜琥珀灰。

家居日用    ⋅    9小时前 |蒂埃里穆勒|Thierry Mugler|异性女士香水 作者:admin

Lancome兰蔻璀璨爱恋女士香水 EDP 30ml

Lancome兰蔻璀璨爱恋女士香水 EDP 30ml Tresor in Love by Lanc?me is a “Eau de Parfum“ for women with a romantic fruity floral air.

家居日用    ⋅    9小时前 |LANCOME|兰蔻|璀璨爱恋女士香水 作者:admin