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Chloe蔻依爱情故事香水好闻吗 蔻依爱情故事女士香水香评


  • 中文名称:Chloe 蔻依 爱情故事女士淡香水 EDT 75ml

  • 品牌:Chloé

  • 规格:75ml


More fresh, more floral, more sensual, Chloé Love Story Eau de Toilette is Chloé's new love story. Pure seduction, to be worn on bare skin. The fragrance opens with the scent of the orange flower, fresh and floral, which intertwines with the aroma of dew. Following an explosion of delicately peppered nasturtium, the flower given by those who finally dare to declare themselves. Finally, the cherry blossom reveals its intense green facet, extremely refined, enhanced by a dewy floral accord, synonymous with joy and carefreeness. The bottle is a padlock symbol of universal love, an emblem dear to the Maison Chloé.



Christian Dior 克里斯汀迪奥蓝色魅惑女士香水怎么样

Christian Dior 克里斯汀-迪奥 蓝色魅惑女士浓香水(EDP) 在法国波旁皇室的香草加温提味下,从淡雅逐渐转为浓郁,前味是清新柑橘叶及苦橙叶的气息,中味则是茉莉,后味则是香草的性感气息,花香则在甜而不腻的美味中增添一份美艳,而尾调多了点缠绵悱恻之意。

家居日用    ⋅    11小时前 |克里斯汀迪奥|Christian Dior|蓝色魅惑女士香水 作者:admin

MONOTHEME 威尼斯精品香氛 白栀子花女士淡香水 EDT 100ml 花香调

MONOTHEME 威尼斯精品香氛 白栀子花女士淡香水 EDT 100ml 花香调 Gardenia blancaEau de Toilette para MujerLas Gardenias siempre han sido conocidas y admiradas por su excepcional fragancia; intensa, rica, dulce.

家居日用    ⋅    11小时前 |MONOTHEME|威尼斯精品香氛 作者:admin

Narciso Rodriguez 纳茜素/纳西素 粉麝香女士香水好闻吗

Narciso Rodriguez 纳西索 粉麝香女士香水,这种诱人的香味是每个女人都喜欢的。柔软的茉莉花,保加利亚玫瑰和橙花在前调创造了温柔花香。麝香主导着中调,留下了一个神秘的气息,尾调的木质元素来自雪松,香根草,香豆素和广藿香给香味,给予你难以想象的诱惑。

家居日用    ⋅    11小时前 |粉麝香女士香水 作者:admin