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  • 中文名称:Versace 范思哲 爱神火焰男士香水 EDP 50ml

  • 外文名称:Eros Flame EDP

  • 规格:50ml



Versace 范思哲 爱神火焰男士香水, 温暖神秘的性感男士首选, 木质辛辣香调, 前调:柠檬, 蜜橘, 苦橙, 胡椒, 迷迭香。中调:刺椒, 老鹳草, 玫瑰后调:雪松, 广藿香, 香根草, 檀香木, 橡木苔。于2018年发售, 适合夜间和寒冷季节使用。

○ 品牌:Versace 范思哲

○ 品名:男士香水

○ 规格:50ml

○ 类型:EDP\香水

○ 适用群体:适合所有男士使用。

○ 香水香调:木质辛辣香调

前调:柠檬, 蜜橘, 苦橙, 胡椒, 迷迭香。

中调:刺椒, 老鹳草, 玫瑰。

后调:雪松, 广藿香, 香根草, 檀香木, 橡木苔。


○ 携带使用简单、快捷, 香氛宜人, 轻松应付各种社交场合。

○ 火红色的瓶身, 温暖神秘的性感男士首选。


○ 七点法:香精以点、香水以线、淡香水以面使用效果更好, 注意擦香过程中避免用力摩擦, 虽然简单的摩擦不会破坏香水分子结构, 但是会使温度过高加快香水的挥发。

○ 喷雾法:在穿衣服前, 让喷雾距身体10-20公分, 喷出雾状香水, 喷洒范围越广越好, 随后立于香雾中5分钟, 或者将香水大范围喷洒, 然后慢慢走过香雾。这样都可以让香雾均匀落在身体上, 留下淡淡的清香。

○ 香水的留香时间和香水的酒精浓度有关, 温度、湿度以及所处环境的通风情况都会影响留香时间, 所以也需要补香。


○ 请勿将其放置在儿童可触及的地方;

○ 请存放于避光、干燥、不高于25摄氏度处;

○ 如有过敏现象, 请寻医就诊。


Versace 范思哲, 来自意大利知名的奢侈品牌范思哲(Versace)创造了一个时尚帝国, 代表着一个品牌家族, 范思哲的时尚产品渗透了生活的每个领域, 其鲜明的设计风格, 独特的美感, 极强的先锋艺术表征让它风靡全球。它的设计风格鲜明, 是独特的美感极强的先锋艺术的象征。其中最魅力独具的是那些展示充满文艺复兴时期特色的华丽的具有丰富想象力的女装款式, 它们性感漂亮, 女性味十足, 色彩鲜艳, 既有歌剧式的超平现实的华丽, 又能充分考虑穿着舒适性及恰当地显示体型。范思哲还经营香水、眼镜、领带、皮件、包袋、瓷器、玻璃器皿、丝巾、羽绒制品、家居产品等。香水是范思哲的重要业务之一, 他的第一款香水是女用的, 叫做“詹尼·范思哲”, 1981年问世是一款花香调香水, 香水瓶子被设计成引人瞩目的钻石形, 棱形的底座, 有56个切面的瓶身。THE CELEBRATION OF MALE SENSUALITY

EROS FLAME by Versace is an “Eau de Parfum” for men that is included in the Woody Spicy family, launched in 2018 by the perfumer Olivier Pescheux.

The warmest and most sensual facet of the Greek God Eros comes to light with EROS FLAME. A fragrance for men of great strength, passionate and with a strong self-confidence, capable of creating an intense connection with their deepest and most intimate feelings.

The EROS FLAME perfume is an outburst full of sensuality capable of penetrating the deepest part of the soul, and that brings us an impressive message for the new generations, claiming the power of diversity, freedom of expression and the free choice of being one himself, without fear of restrictions or retaliation, and this is reflected in his advertising, with the presence of two models of different races.

WHAT DOES IT SMELL LIKE? A perfume for men that enjoys an excellent combination of warm and exciting notes such as lemon, black pepper, rosemary, rose, geranium, vanilla, cedar, tonka bean and patchouli.

GOD OF OLIMPO . This is the man Eros. The God of his own world. A man who is not overwhelmed by anyone, with great self-confidence and daily improvement.

RED FIRE . Red has been the chosen shade to give color to its bottle, which follows exactly the same lines as those of its collection. A color that represents strength, passion, heat, thus, perfectly reflects the essence that guards inside. On its front, we distinguish the name of the perfume reflected in a brilliant golden typography to match its stopper. (This text has been translated automatically.)



Serge Lutens 芦丹氏玻璃之木 50ml 中性香馥奇香调 醛 柑橘

Serge Lutens 芦丹氏玻璃之木 50ml 中性香馥奇香调 醛 柑橘 购买链接:https://www.febee.de/product/1020059.html

家居日用    ⋅    17小时前 作者:admin

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家居日用    ⋅    17小时前 作者:admin

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家居日用    ⋅    17小时前 |HERMES|爱马仕|粉红葡萄柚淡香水 作者:admin