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Amazing Herbs Tongkat Ali Express Liquid Extract Drops 30ml

A study by the Forest Research Institute of Malaysia (FRIM) showed that the Eurycoma Longifolia Jack or Tongkat Ali (Pasak Bumin) contain anti-oxidant properties, a high level of SOD (Superoxide Dismutase), an anti-oxidant enzyme.

营养保健    ⋅    2023-07-04 20:57:00 作者:admin

Henry Blooms生物发酵乳酸菌500ml-橄榄叶精华

Olive Leaf is fortified with gut-repairing raw probiotics in Henry Blooms Bio-Fermented Olive Leaf to support digestive health, aid immune system function, provide anti-oxidant action and maintain general wellbeing.

营养保健    ⋅    2023-07-04 20:57:00 作者:admin

Active Iron每日活性铁胶囊 30粒 (满足每日铁需求)

Active Iron was developed in response to the global need for an iron supplement that is both tolerable and easy to absorb. Before Active Iron the only solutions available were poorly absorbed and poorly tolerated.

营养保健    ⋅    2023-07-04 20:57:00 作者:admin


Clinicians 科立纯 常青藤支气管咳嗽糖浆是新西兰药剂师推荐的一款安全性产品,它是将常青藤叶子干燥提炼制成的草本配方,对于舒缓咽喉和清理呼吸道,有很强的功效;它还有助于稀释粘液,滋润干燥的呼吸道膜;对于国内雾霾引起的嗓子发炎,干咳,祛痰,上呼吸道感染都有很好的效果!

营养保健    ⋅    2023-07-04 20:57:00 |Clinicians|科立纯|常青藤支气管咳嗽糖浆 作者:admin

GO Healthy高之源镁胶囊100粒

GO HEMP SEED OIL PLUS MAGNESIUM Relax and Unwind contains extra virgin, cold pressed Hemp Seed Oil combined with Magnesium and Peppermint Oil, to ease muscular tension, soothe tired muscles and assist with relaxation.

营养保健    ⋅    2023-07-01 10:48:00 作者:admin

Inner Health益生菌滴剂产品特点及功效介绍

Inner Health 婴幼儿益生菌粉(调节肠胃 )能够有助于帮助儿童的肠胃进行养护,有效促进儿童的肠胃的消化吸收,让儿童吃饭更加香甜;同时,能够预防和缓解腹泻,消除敏感,抑制病原菌提高免疫力;

营养保健    ⋅    2023-07-01 10:48:00 |益生菌滴剂 作者:admin

GO Healthy高之源800mg补充镁元素胶囊产品介绍

GO Healthy 高之源 800mg 补充镁元素胶囊富含镁氧化物和植物精华,易吞服,无污染,高吸收。对于神经和肌肉非常重要,可以有效缓解肌肉痉挛,疼痛和颤抖,能够帮助神经系统正常运作,舒缓神经,缓和睡眠症状;增强,对人体机能有很好的调节保护作用。

营养保健    ⋅    2023-07-01 10:48:00 |高之源|补充镁元素胶囊 作者:admin

Solgar Vitamin B12 Nuggets 100

Solgar Vitamin B12 Nuggets are great tasting dissolvable tablets designed to dissolve easily in the mouth for optimal Vitamin B12 absorption.

营养保健    ⋅    2023-06-30 16:32:00 作者:admin


Trilogy趣乐活 维生素C活肤眼霜富含维生素C、透明质酸和芦荟成分,质地轻盈,吸收迅速,杜绝黏腻感,能够有效帮助对抗眼周细纹,提亮眼周肤色,重现紧致眼部肌肤;并有助于有效对抗黑眼圈、消除眼部浮肿,还您完美无暇的眼部肌肤。

营养保健    ⋅    2023-06-30 16:32:00 |Trilogy|趣乐活|维生素C活肤眼霜 作者:admin

Artemis阿耳特弥斯口服喷雾剂 50ml

ViroGone™ Spray provides rapid immune defence and daily immunity build on-the-go, with powerful plant support for ills & chills.

营养保健    ⋅    2023-06-30 16:32:00 |Artemis|阿耳特弥斯|口服喷雾剂 作者:admin

Nutralife纽乐前列腺保健胶囊 60粒(提高抵抗力精子质量 保护前列腺健康)

Nutralife 纽乐 前列腺保健胶囊选用锯棕榈,经过道道工序精细萃取,提取出对男性前列腺具有保健作用的物质成分,配以脂肪酸等营养成分。能够有效减轻前列腺肥大的症状,包括排尿困难、尿频、尿急及漏尿等,维持正常的前列腺功能,激发男人雄风,提高抵抗力性生活质量。

营养保健    ⋅    2023-06-29 11:39:00 |Nutralife|纽乐|前列腺保健胶囊 作者:admin

Artemis 植物提取舒缓口服液的作用与功效有哪些

Artemis 静脉曲张舒缓口服液是一款非常有效的缓解静脉曲张的产品,配方安全,采用的新鲜植物提取物,蕴含山金车、金雀花、七叶树和金缕梅等活性成分,能够化瘀,疏通血管,有效缓解血液循环不畅的问题,改善静脉曲张的外观

营养保健    ⋅    2023-06-29 11:39:00 |Artemis|植物提取舒缓口服液 作者:admin