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Life-space 岩藻糖乳糖益生菌的作用和功效介绍

Life-space Gold 2'-FL + Prebiotic 1 Months - 3 Years 60g


Life-Space Gold 2’-FL Prebiotic is our next generation prebiotic product containing 2’-Fucosyllactose (2’-FL), which is structurally identical to one of the most abundant prebiotic (oligosaccharide) compounds found in healthy human milk.


Based on scientific evidence, health benefits may include:

  • Supporting the maintenance of a healthy microbiome from early life

  • Providing a source of fuel for https://pd-assets.azoyacdn.com/media/, a dominant type of bacteria found in healthy infant and baby gastrointestinal systems

  • 2’-FL supports a favourable environment for the growth and survival of beneficial bacteria

ºView all Life-space Products



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