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The Good Vitamin CO Good Vita-C 1000mg Chewable Tablets 90 - Orange

VITALISE YOUR IMMUNITY. Say goodbye to ills and chills with a punchy package of Vitamin C!



Vitamin C is the world’s most famous vitamin - and for good reason! This nifty little vitamin is responsible for the prevention and treatment of most ills and chills suffered throughout the year, and that’s just the tip of the orange iceberg of what it is capable of. Vitamin C provides potent support for the immune system, can assist with the repair and maintenance of both teeth and bones - all while helping to slow cell damage!


There’s so much to benefit from taking a safe, natural supplement that supports your daily immunity and is deliciously chewable as well!


Healthy Digestion

Uniquely formulated with natural pectin, our soft-chews aid digestion with a scrummy source of fibre without upsetting your stomach!


Energy Boost

Vitamin C is known the world over for providing a zingy boost to energy levels by keeping sicknesses at bay and keeping any lingering bad bacteria from lasting in the body for prolonged lengths of time. Get up and out, faster, with Vita-C supplements!



Without a strong immune system, you would constantly be sick. It’s as simple as that! Getting the right combination of vitamins into our daily diet can be a battle, especially with seasonable fruits and vegetables coming and going with varying degrees of what we need in them. Don’t take your health for chance, and give it the support it needs with VITA-C supplements - all year long!


Easy and Delicious

Our chewable formula makes for an easy and tasty way to get your boost on the go, making sure you don’t have to take a break from living your best life!


Aiding Recovery After Injuries

A lesser-known fact about Vitamin C - it is a master collagen builder! The Collagen protein naturally decreases in quantity as we age, which is why our faces and bodies seem to lose their fullness and elasticity as we grow older. When you get injured, collagen plays an important part in knitting ligaments, bones, joints and tendons back together!



- High dose Vitamin C

- No gluten

- No dairy, egg, nuts or soy

- Vegan friendly

- Cold relief

- Immune health

- Respiratory health


ºView all The Good Vitamin CO Products 



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