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Ansell 安思尔 SKYN亲肤强烈触感安全套 非橡胶 10片

Ansell Lifestyles Skyn Condoms - NON LATEX

Straight Form and Reservoir End

Lubricated (non spermicidal)

Smooth Texture

Natural Colour

53mm Nominal Width

Wave design texture with intensity raised dots on the most sensitive areas to maximise stimulation and pleasure


Skyn condoms are made from polyisoprene  a scientifically formulated non latex material that provides a softer   more natural feel

Store in a cool  dry place  away from direct sunlight. Proper use of Ansell condoms will help reduce the risk of unintended pregnancy  Sexually Transmissible infections (STIs) and HIV/AIDS. Condoms are an efficient barrier  however no method of contraception can provide  protection. Single use only

This product does NOT contain natural rubber latex and is a suitable choice for individuals with a known or suspected allergy to natural rubber latex.

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